Christians and pro-family groups applauded yesterdays decision by the governor of California to veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in the state.
On Thursday, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the same-sex marriage bill that he said earlier this month he would veto after it passed through the legislature. The governor stated that the case is before a state appeals court and will likely be decided by the California Supreme Court.
Schwarzenegger said the bill by Democrat Mark Leno, an openly gay assemblyman from San Francisco, contradicted Proposition 22, which was approved by voters in 2000 and said only marriages between a man and woman are valid, according to the Associated Press (AP).
"This bill simply adds confusion to a constitutional issue," the Gov. Schwarzenegger said. "If the ban of same-sex marriage is unconstitutional this bill is not necessary. If the ban is constitutional this bill is ineffective."
Eddie Gutierrez, a spokesman for Equality California, a gay rights group that supported the bill, said Schwarzenegger had merely delayed the day when gay marriage is legal, AP reported.
"We are extremely disappointed with the governor's decision," he said. "By denying us marriage equality, he has turned a back to our community."
The response from several California pro-family groups and Christian groups, however, was very supportive of the California governors decision.
We are tremendously grateful that the governor followed-through on his promise to veto legislation that would have derailed the institution of marriage," said Karen England, Executive Director of Capitol Resource Institute, a pro-family grassroots organization.
"Nearly two-thirds of Californians voted just five years ago that the institution of marriage is for one man and one woman only," added England. "Were glad to see that the governor, unlike our legislature, respects the commonsense of the people."
Campaign for Children and Families, a leading California pro-family organization opposed to the bill, also praised the governor for his decision to veto the bill.
We thank Governor Schwarzenegger for doing the right thing by vetoing gay marriage licenses, said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families. But long-term, theres no way to protect Gods sacred institution of marriage for one man and one woman unless Californians qualify and pass the initiative on next years ballot.
Currently, there are only two states in the nation who legally recognize civil union, Connecticut and Vermont. Massachusetts remains the only state with same sex marriage.
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